
Categories: , Contributors: Jack Grapes


ONTHEBUS is a production of the Los Angeles Poets and Writers Collective. This magazine of poetry and prose has published work from writers all over the world, and includes essays, interviews, book reviews, art and graphics. This first issue was a compilation experiment in which poets typed and designed their own respective pages. Poets include Virginia Anderson, Charles Bischoff, Elizabeth Degenhardt, ellen, Robin Lieberman, Stewart Mintzer, Isa de Quesada, Ron Robinson, Joel Satzman, Mimi Takiguchi, Danelia Wild, Mary Yoder, and Kate Zoeger. Also included are reviews of books by Donald Hall, Harry Northup, Lucie Brock-Broido, Kate Braverman, Jane Miller, an essay by Lee Rossi, and translations of Italian poet Mario Benedetti by by Rick Meghiddo. This is an extremely rare issue and nearly out of print.