All Levels Method Writing class: Monday & Tuesday Mornings
★Method Writing 30% discount Monday or Tuesday Mornings
PACIFIC STANDARD TIME here in California
Jan 9th and 10th, 10am to 1pm, PST,
which means in you’re on the East Coast, that’s 1-4pm
and if you’re in Europe, that’s Early Evenings, 6-9pm or 7-10-pm,
and if you’re in Eastern Europe or points further east,
that’s later evenings, like 8pm-11pm, etc.
A Time Zone for Everyone!
$450 instead of $595

Natalie came to Los Angeles five years ago, studied with me for two years, immersing herself in Method Writing, and has been teaching Method Writing for four years now, so she’s totally familiar with the basic curriculum and is a wonderful teacher, has an impressive knowledge of world literature and her students have gone on to get their stories, novels, and poems published.
Her time zone in Madrid is pretty central between the US and Eastern Europe, so her classes on Mondays and Tuesdays might be a perfect fit for those of you in different time zones for whom my schedule of classes doesn’t work for you.
Upcoming Schedule
Mondays Jan 9th or Tuesdays Jan 10th:
If you’re in the USA West Coast
her classes would run from 10am to 1pm
and if you’re in the USA East Coast,
her classes would run from 1pm to 4pm
and for those of you across the pond
anywhere between London and India,
her classes would be evening classes
either from 6pm to 9pm,
or 7pm to 10pm
or 8pm to 11pm
depending on what European or East European
or even further east your time zone is.