Method Writing: The “Prequel” Class
Method Writing focuses on writing that is authentic, coming from one’s own true inner voice, whether your interest is fiction, poetry, memoir, non-fiction, etc. In this “PREQUEL” class, we’ll uncover your authentic, deep voice, and learn how to create effective narrative in any form using the basic components of all good writing: action, dialogue, description, commentary.
a note from Kevin:

The Prequel Class is a 5-week dip into the pool of this unique writing method. You will get in touch with your true inner self. You will write in an authentic way, sounding like yourself, not like a fancy writer — it’s what all good writers and artists strive for — we call it VOICE. The Prequel Class will show you how the Jack Grapes’s Method Writing technique really works. You will come from “process” instead of writing toward a specific “product,” which opens you up to the accidental detours of your inner truth. Process actually creates product. When you’re “in the moment” in your writing, you’re also open to the unexpected ideas and stories that come from your deepest self. As Robert Frost said, “No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader.”
This 5-week Prequel Class will show you how to create cinematic scenes in your prose writing. You will learn how to craft compelling dialogue. You will learn how the smallest details can create lasting images, and you will learn to create that intimacy between reader and writer. This class is a fun way to experience the power of journal-entry style writing, which forms the basis for all prose fiction and non-fiction, as well as deeply felt poetry. Method Writing will help you overcome the anxiety of block of the face the blank page. You will learn to come from your inner truth, and not let your talent steer you in a mediocre, safe way. This class will also teach you the secret to never having writer’s block again. I promise!